Make a Raspberry Pi into a precise NTP server using a GPS unit
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2014-09-08 21:27:18 +01:00
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These are instructions on how to make a Raspberry Pi into a time server, with the help of a GPS addon board.

The result should be that the Pi will continuously get current time from the GPS unit, which will be then served outside via a NTP daemon. The NTP deamon will not run if the GPS unit does not have a signal (so as not to announce wrong time). A simple web interface is provided, to monitor the status of the GPS, NTP daemon, and some other server status data.

Note that this setup is not secure, so don't let the net see your Pi! (I.e. use it behind a firewall or something.)


... from a freshly installed raspbian:

Finish configuring the raspberry

SSH daemon should be running by default. The first run should be either with a keyboard and a monitor, or plugged into a router (so that we can ssh into it, a DHCP client is waiting on the ethernet port).

sudo raspi-config

Install some stuff

We want a gps daemon, some clients, and some misc utils that I can't do without.

sudo apt-get install git htop gpsd gpsd-clients supervisor lighttpd

Adjust network config

Edit /etc/network/interfaces. I wanted two static configs on the ethernet port, so changed iface eth0 inet dhcp to

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

To get the GPS add-on board communicating with gpsd

We need to change the default configuration (getty on the serial port), so that linux doesn't try to communicate/access the serial port, which now has a GPS unit attached to. So:

  • remove console on ttyAMA0 from /boot/config.txt
  • comment out getty on ttyAMA0 from /etc/inittab (probably last line)

Make sure gpsd does not start automatically

Make it does not start on boot (will be managed by supervisord).

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd

Make sure NTP daemon does not start automatically

Also make sure it doesn't start automatically. Also will be managed by supervisord:

sudo update-rc.d ntp disable

Make sure lighttpd does not start automatically

sudo update-rc.d lighttpd disable

Get the files!

Get the files and put them into /opt/gps-timekeep (this path is hardcoded into things -- I'm lazy).

sudo mkdir /opt/gps-timekeep
sudo chown pi:pi /opt/gps-timekeep
cd /opt
git clone

Alternatively, download a zip by clicking on "Download ZIP" in the right column, unpack it, and copy the contents of gps-timekeep-master into /opt/timekeep.

This will get you configurations files for the daemons (will be used by supervisor), gps-watcher and time-from-gps python scripts and a python cgi script which displays system info and lets you edit some config files. What remains to be done is:

sudo cp /opt/gps-timekeep/configs/daemons.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d

to configure supervisord, and restart it

sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor stop
sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start

Now you should have access to a basic info web page (on port 80) and to supervisord web interface (on port 9001).

Password protection

The "Further info and configuration" webpage, as well as access to supervisord, is password protected (don't feel protected by this, it's not really secure). The name:pass is admin:muflon. There is a web form to change this, but making it work is another privilege escalation (see also "Optional extras" below), so requires making two files writable by the lighttpd process. So:

sudo chgrp www-data /etc/supervisor/conf.d/daemons.conf
sudo chown g+w /etc/supervisor/conf.d/daemons.conf

The other file, /opt/gps-timekeep/auth should be set up OK already, but just in case it isn't:

chmod 0666 /opt/gps-timekeep/auth

If you want to remove the password protection:

  • Edit /etc/supervisor/conf.d/daemons.conf and remove the two lines (username and password).
  • Remove /opt/gps-timekeep/auth.
  • Edit /opt/gps-timekeep/configs/lighttpd.conf and comment out the auth.require block.

Optional extras

Some actions from the web interface require privilege escalation (I couldn't convince lighttpd to run as root), so:

If you want to be able to edit the system configuration from the web interface, you'll need to change the permissions of the corresponding files so that they are writable by the user/group as which the lighttpd web server runs. For instance:

sudo chgrp www-data /etc/network/interfaces
sudo chown g+w /etc/network/interfaces

This changes the group of /etc/network/interfaces to www-data and makes it group-writable.

Similarly, if you want to be able to reboot from the web interface, you need to make it possible for the www-data user to execute /sbin/reboot. The easiest (and most unsafe) way is to make /sbin/halt (to which /sbin/reboot is a symbolic link) setuid root:

sudo chmod +s /sbin/halt

(Archlinux users need to edit configs/lighttpd.conf and change the user and group to http.)

Some info on how it's all set up

Hardware side:

  • A GPS unit talks to the Pi via the serial port /dev/ttyAMA0, and produces PPS pulse on GPIO pin 18 (every second).

Software side:

  • Official dependencies: supervisor, lighttpd, gpsd, ntpd, python 2.7 (and gps python module, the debian package is python-gps).
  • All the daemons and programs related to this stuff are run through supervisor daemon. So the expectation is that the used software is installed, but not automatically run by the system.
  • Beware: things are hardcoded to run from /opt/gps-timekeep! Also some assumptions that a debian-based system is used are in place (e.g. /etc/network/interfaces, /sbin/reboot -> /sbin/halt, www-data for lighttpd user/group)
  • lighttpd runs to provide a "web interface". Its main function is to provide info about the status of things.
  • The communication with the GPS hardware is done via gpsd daemon. This one is supposed to be running all the time, and all the other programs get GPS info through it. Among other things, it writes the current time received from GPS ("coarse time") to a "shared memory" segment, where it can be read by ntpd.
  • The time service to the "outside" is provided by ntpd daemon. It reads the shared memory segment to get GPS time. However, there are a couple of quirks/issues:
    • Because pi's kernel does not have the right configuration, ntpd can't use the PPS signal from the GPS unit directly. So a workaround daemon, rpi_gpio_ntp, needs to be running to receive the PPS pulses and write the precise time to the shared memory segment to be read by ntpd. The thing is that rpi_gpio_ntp needs to start only after GPS has a fix and the system time is approximately correct (I'm not sure how it works and why, this observation comes from my experience).
    • Sometimes, after boot, ntpd refuses to read time from the shared memory segment for some reason, and restarting things doesn't help me. A "fix", which seems to work for me is to set the system time to an approximately correct time before starting any daemons.
  • So to deal with the things above, there are two extra python programs:
    • this is a "startup" script. It waits until GPS reports a fix and a time, and subsequently sets the system time (to an approximately correct one) and starts the other daemon:
    • monitors the GPS for signal. If there's no signal, it stopd ntpd and rpi_gpio_ntp. If there is signal, it starts them up. Also, it regenerates the basic static html page (every 2-3 seconds).
  • Other web interface elements:
    • supervisord runs its own web interface on port 9001.
    • One python CGI script is provided (, which gives more system info, and lets you edit /etc/network/interfaces and reboot the Pi (see "Optional Extras" for what's needed to make this work).

Other notes (about configuration, etc...)

  • gpsd parameters should contain -n. This is so that gpsd starts listening to the GPS device even before a client (like cgps or such) asks for it. we need this so that the timekeeping starts right away on boot.

  • To test if rpi_gpio_ntp receives the pulses, run (the 18 is the GPIO pin on which the PPS pulse is sent):

      sudo rpi_gpio_ntp -g 18 -d

    It should print one line every second (when the pulse comes).

  • ntpd configuration: The time1 parameter for fudge of SHM source is an observed value to make the offset of this source smallish (<5ms). It's more-less the time which is takes the GPS unit to transmit info over serial and then gpsd to process and enter into the shared memory. It's likely to be larger (cca 0.350) for GPS units attached over USB.

  • Current status of the NTP daemon can be observed by running ntpq -p or ntpq -pn (-n for not reverse resolving IP addresses). Most important things about the output:

    • the very first column indicates status of a source: * means currently used/selected, x means not used
    • the reach column should have 377 for the UPPS source (means ntpd "sees" the source). It changes for a while after ntpd restart, then it should stabilize on 377.
    • the offset is in milliseconds. Shouldn't be too big; less than 1 for the UPPS source, or at least single digits.
  • lighttpd is set up to use /run/www as the main document root, since the status page is updated every 2-3 seconds and so we want to use a tmpfs filesystem. In other words, stuff from there lives only in the memory and disappears on every reboot!

Sources / Credits