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A few examples of code for the bat board, using libopencm3.
Most of them are just modified examples from the official libopencm3 examples.
They aren't too specific for the bat boards, except the usual pinout considerations. What's sometimes not so easy to change/adapt is the chip. These examples are for STM32 F072 and L052.
Short summary for the examples
The onboard LED blinks. This is the classic miniblink from libopencm3 examples, modified for the bat board, and the various MCUs I tested the board with (L052, F072, and the ubiquitous F103). Highights the code adjustments one needs for the different MCUs. Clock setup not implemented (except for F103, which just calls a library function, to test the crystal).
The onboard LED blinks, holding the button slows the frequency somewhat. The clocks are set up to 48MHz on F072, 32MHz on L052 (max).
The board presents itself as a serial port (CDC). It echoes back what it receives; toggling the LED after each received packet. Pressing the PA1
button will print hello, world
over this port.
L052 only. This is the DFU bootloader that I use on the bat boards with L052. More info about it on the bat board main page.
Writes a few bytes, then reads a few bytes, from a standard I2C EEPROM. The bytes read are printed over USART (on PA9/PA10). Connections and address can be seen in the code (different setups for F0 and L0).
A bit more serious example. Expects [serplus shield] on the bat board with F072; turn it into a SerPlus with some extra (optional) features (raw mode, neopix status, ...). See its readme. Original code by jcw here.
General setup notes
You are expected to a C compiler (for ARM) and some development tools (e.g. make and git) installed and ready to use. You can get a toolchain from arm.com; or use one provided by your system package manager (if you're on a normal system like some linux, bsd or mac). For the development tools, use your package manager.
libopencm3 is supposed to go into the libopencm3
directory; it's git submodule if you're going the git way; otherwise just unpack it there. You'll need to run make
in the libopencm3
directory once, to compile the library. Any subsequent compilation of the examples here will just use these precompiled objects. This means that if you update, or make any changes to, libopencm3 sources, you'll need to recompile it explicitly like this. In other words, running make
in any of the examples it not going to recompile the library.
From time to time there are breaking changes in the library (e.g. L0 support is relatively new), so no guarantees that things compile (although they should with the commit referenced for the submodule). From time to time I pull in the new updates, but again, no guarantees. (Timestamp 2017-12-02T18:41:26).
To compile an example, cd
into its directory and run make -f Makefile.l0btld
to compile. The three versions of the Makefile
s are for STM32F072CBT6 (f0), STM32L052C8T6 (l0), STM32L052C8T6 with DFU bootloader occupying the first 8k of the flash (more about this setup on the bat board page). Cleaning up (important if you're switching to a different chip!) is done with the usual make clean
I didn't set up flashing to the board into the Makefiles
, so flashing should be done manually. Here are the most common options:
DFU bootloader
This requires dfu-util software. Put the board into DFU mode (on F072 by holding the PA1
button during reset; on L052 by shorting GND
and PB3
during reset). The command is then
dfu-util -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x08002000 -D cdcacm.bin
where the adjustable parts are of course the name of the firmware (cdcacm.bin
above) and importantly the address: it should be 0x08002000
for L052 with the 8k DFU bootloader, otherwise 0x08000000
built-in USART bootloader
This requires a means of communicating over serial port (ideally 3.3V levels; although the required pins are 5V tolerant on L052 and F072). This usually means an external hardware, an USB-to-serial converter (there are loads on e.g. ebay; the most commonly used chips are FT231X, FT232RL, CP2102, CH340G). Although on boards like the Pi you can use the built-in UART.
The built-in USART bootloader talks on PA9(TX) and PA10(RX) (and some others; but these are conveniently placed on the bat board). It is entered by holding the PA1
button during a reset.
On the software side, I prefer [stm32flash]. The command is then
stm32flash -e 255 -v -w cdcacm.bin /dev/ttyUSB0
where the adjustable parts are of course firmware filename and the serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0
License (for the original bits): CC-by-SA 2.0